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The main purpose of the clubs is to support families with children and parents expecting offspring. Their task is to create a space that is friendly to parents and children. These are places of integration and sharing experiences as well as good practices and problems related to bringing up children. Clubs also carry out their […]

PKD codes in four languages: Polish, English, Ukrainian and Russian

Establishing your own business in Poland requires devoting your time and energy to market and competition analysis, adjusting your product to the Polish standards and regulations. The first stage is the same in every country – registration of the activity and choice of classification of its activities. Our specialists are ready to assist in the […]


Krakow is at the forefront of the Polish metropolises with one of Poland’s most developed bicycle infrastructures. According to the data collected by the Local Government PAP, in 2017 our city was overtaken only by Warsaw and Wroclaw. Nowadays, this situation is dynamically changing in favor of Krakow, as already 220 km of bicycle infrastructure […]


Every year, each university sets and announces its recruitment rules, according to which recruitment will be carried out a year later – it is very important for students who choose subjects to pass on their secondary school departure exams. Information can be found on the university’s website. The majority of universities conduct on-line registration by […]


Going on holidays is an exciting event. To avoid unpleasant adventures, you must follow some basic rules. A mobile phone with saved emergency numbers will be useful for every trip: 112 – emergency call center, 997 – Police, 998 – fire brigade, 999 – ambulance and contact ICE in the address book. The acronym ICE […]

Budżet Obywatelski Krakowa 2019

W tegorocznej edycji krakowskiego budżetu obywatelskiego będzie wiele nowości. Przede wszystkim zmienione zostaną jego terminy. W poprzednich latach głosowanie, w którym krakowianie wybierali zgłoszone projekty, odbywało się w drugiej połowie czerwca. A to odbijało się na frekwencji. W 2018 roku zagłosowało niespełna 35 tysięcy osób, czyli ok. 7 proc. mieszkańców. – Faktycznie ten termin nie […]

Informational Meeting On The Civic Budget Of The City Of Krakow

We cordially invite you to informational meetings on the Civic Budget of the City of Krakow, where you will learn: • who and in some way can report the task, • what projects have a chance to be qualified to vote, • voting rules and deadlines for submission of applications. During the meeting, a representative […]


Every year, a group of athletes – due to their achievements in sports competition can apply for a sports scholarship of the City of Krakow. The goal of the scholarship is to support gifted players in even better preparation of the training process and participation in planned launches. Players who achieve high sports scores in […]

Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego – INFORMACJE DLA WYBORCY

Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego W związku z tegorocznymi wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego 26 maja 2019 roku, wyborcy, obywatele Unii Europejskiej, niebędący obywatelami polskimi, którzy mieszkają na terenie Polski mają prawo do głosowania na dwa sposoby: GŁOSOWANIE NA KANDYDATÓW Z POLSKI:W Krakowie mogą głosować obywatele Unii Europejskiej, niebędący obywatelami polskimi, jeżeli są wpisani do stałego rejestru […]
