

Going on holidays is an exciting event. To avoid unpleasant adventures, you must follow some basic rules. A mobile phone with saved emergency numbers will be useful for every trip: 112 – emergency call center, 997 – Police, 998 – fire brigade, 999 – ambulance and contact ICE in the address book. The acronym ICE on the phone is a global life-saving symbol, under which one should write down the telephone number of the person to be notified in the event of an accident. Detailed information on ICE can be found on the website www.icefon.eu (English language version). When traveling by public transport, it is advisable to follow the instructions of the airport, aircraft or train staff. Be vigilant to not easily fall victim to pickpocket thieves. Do not carry money in one place and divide cash into several parts and hide it in several pockets. Luggage should always be looked after. Carry bags and backpacks should be carried at the front or under the arm, closing them to each other, so that they are always under control. Avoid sleeping on the road, and certainly never accept accommodations from people met by accident.

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