Create an ePUAP profile: if necessary, we provide legal support and consultation, and if you have the necessary documents, we will help you to obtain an ePUAP profile.
Poland has a free ePUAP system, which deals with issuing qualified confirmed signatures.
In order to receive a signature, it is necessary to have a PESEL (Polish tax payer’s identification analogue number) and confirm your personality in one of the authorized points to confirm your personality (Polish bank).
It is necessary to start the registration procedure in the ePUAP system.
With the documents necessary copy of the foreign passport and a document that confirms the registration.
If you cannot be present at this statement, we may receive a document for you, then it is necessary to add your trusteeship to the package of documents on our colleague. Also, check in a copy of your passport, certified by a notary in the country of residence, which we will translate into the official language in Poland.
After receiving the PESEL, in your personal office on the ePUAP website you have to start the procedure of confirming your personality. The list of points can be found on the ePUAP website.
This can be done not only in Poland, but also in Polish consulates located in other countries. 14 days were paid for this confirmation. If you do not keep up with the deadline, the system will cancel your registration.

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