
Author Archives: Lilia Bilyk

More passengers can travel by trams and buses

From Monday, 1 June, in accordance with the government’s order, trams and buses can travel much more passengers simultaneously. The 30% limit so far. All the seats and standing places in the vehicle have been increased and are now 50%. of all available places.  This means that from 1 June, 71 people can travel simultaneously […]

The playgrounds are already open

Playgrounds in Krakow have been opened – informs the Municipal Greenery Board. In these places, information boards containing recommendations for the use of playgrounds will be hung in the near future.  At the moment, there are no guidelines from the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate for the functioning and disinfection of these places. In doing so, the […]

Night-time street lighting restored

The Road Authority of the City of Krakow has decided to restore night street lighting, due to the increased traffic, after easing the restrictions that applied during the first weeks of the epidemic.  From Monday, June 1, the reprogramming of the clocks began, so that during the week the night lights would return throughout the […]

School year and summer holiday

By 26 June, which is the planned end of the teaching classes, distance education will be carried out – children will not return to school. Starting June 1, all students, not just eighth graders and seniors, will be eligible for the consultation. Schools will be required to organise consultations. Students are not required to participate. […]

Trams returned to Stradomska Street

On Sunday, 31 May, tram traffic was restored to Stradomska Street. Gertrude and Stradomska. Tram traffic on Krakowska and Legionów Piłsudskiego streets and in the tram tunnel is still excluded. Restrictions on the functioning of public transport related to the coronavirus epidemic still apply. More information:https://www.krakow.pl/aktualnosci/240230,29,komunikat,od_niedzieli_tramwaje_wracaja_na_ul__stradomska.html

Od 30 V i 6 VI kolejne zniesienia obostrzeń

W środę na konferencji prasowej premier Mateusz Morawiecki poinformował o kolejnym “odmrożeniu” zakazów i obostrzeń. Od najbliższej soboty noszenie maseczek w przestrzeni publicznej nie będzie już obowiązkowe.  – W sklepie, kościele – maseczki będą wciąż obowiązkowe – wyjaśniał M.Morawiecki. Od soboty nie będzie też limitów liczby klientów w sklepach i gastronomii. Z kolei od niedzieli […]

Od soboty możesz już nie nosić maseczki

Od 30 maja 2020 r. będzie zniesiony obowiązek zasłaniania ust i nosa w przestrzeni otwartej, jeżeli zachowany zostanie 2 metrowy dystans. Również zasada ta dotyczy przestrzeni zamkniętych, gdzie bezpiecznie da się zachować dystans, jeśli zostaną przygotowane warunki, jak fryzjerzy czy restauracje. Zasłanianie nosa i ust będzie nadal obowiązkowe w sklepach, kościołach, środkach komunikacji publicznej.  Fundacja […]

You will still be able to pay PIT in Krakow

This year, due to the special situation related to the epidemic, the submission of PIT and payment of the tax extended to 31 May. This is an opportunity to join the circle of Krakow’s taxpayers and help the city’s budget in such a difficult period for him.  Income tax is nearly 30% of Krakow’s income. […]

Personal visit to the Grodzki Employment Office is already possible

As of 25 May, matters relating to the registration of unemployed persons can be dealt with in person, but a prior telephone call is required. Handling is carried out with all precautions. We would also like to remind you that there are still gift boxes available before the office. Residents who do not have the […]
