
Tag Archives: coronavirus

Who is released from quarantine after crossing the EU external border?

The following are exempt from quarantine after crossing the Polish border: 1) pupils and students, participants of post-graduate studies and specialist education, as well as doctoral students studying in the Republic of Poland and scientists conducting research or development works in the Republic of Poland, or in the case of citizens of the Republic of […]

Quarantine for people arriving from Ukraine has been reinstated in Poland

Since 1 July the quarantine for those who will be arriving from Ukraine by plane has been lifted in Poland. On the website of the Border Guard on 2 July the list of countries from which passengers should not be quarantined was changed several times.  However on the evening of 2nd July the government published […]

Exemption from quarantine for air passengers arriving from Ukraine to Poland

From 1 July 2020, air passengers arriving from Ukraine to Poland are exempt from 14-day quarantine. Attention! The restrictions on the categories of persons who may cross the Polish-Ukrainian border remain in force.  Who can enter Poland?They can only enter Poland: 1) citizens of the Republic of Poland, 2) foreigners who are spouses or children of […]

The Magistrate resumes full service to residents

From Wednesday, 1 July, in connection with the continuation of the process of moving away from the restrictions adopted during the epidemic situation, the Krakow City Hall provides full service to residents. The Departments of the City Hall of Krakow and the city’s organizational units dealing with the provision of services and the implementation of […]

Police remind about the obligation to wear masks in KMK vehicles

Police officers together with MPK traffic inspectors started a joint action to remind passengers about the obligation to cover their mouths and noses while travelling by public transport.  It is worth noting that the checks on the possession of masks by passengers are the effect of appeals, which were sent to MPK SA. It happens […]

Return of foreign PKP Intercity connections and more trains on domestic routes

Due to the opening of borders, PKP Intercity foreign connections return to tracks between 22 and 23 June.  Next, relations from Krakow: Krakow – Prague will be launched.  Promotional tickets for foreign connections are available under the SUPERPROMO INTERNATIONAL offer at a price starting from 9.9 EUR. In addition, from July, direct connections will be launched […]

That’s how buses and trams will go during the long weekend

Due to reduced transport needs during the long weekend, changes will be made to the functioning of the Municipal Transport in Krakow on 11-14 June. Thursday, 11 June (The Feast of Corpus Christi): Public transport in Krakow will operate according to Christmas timetables without changes and restrictions. On this day, traditional processions will take place […]

Urząd Miasta Krakowa nieczynny 12 czerwca

W piątek, 12 czerwca, czyli dzień po Bożym Ciele, Urząd Miasta Krakowa będzie nieczynny we wszystkich lokalizacjach. 12 czerwca będzie dniem wolnym od pracy dla pracowników UMK. Jest to dzień wyznaczony przez pracodawcę jako wolny do odbioru za przypadające w sobotę, 15 sierpnia święto Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny.

Wydziału Spraw Cudzoziemców Małopolskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego przywracamy możliwość składania brakujących dokumentów

WZNOWIENIE BEZPOŚREDNIEJ OBSŁUGI KLIENTA W WYDZIALE SPRAW CUDZOZIEMCÓW – aktualizacja  Wizyty dotyczące uzupełnienia braków formalnych są aktualne.            Urząd wzywa na przesłuchania i zapoznania z aktami. Prosimy o oczekiwanie na wezwanie.  Odbiór kart pobytu jest możliwy dla osób, które otrzymały zawiadomienie sms po 7 maja.  Od 9 czerwca możliwe jest składanie brakujących dokumentów do spraw, które […]

Na kwarantannie

For those coming to Poland All persons coming to Poland must undergo mandatory 14-day quarantine. During the check at the border, each traveller is obliged to provide the address at which he or she will spend it. Quarantine, after crossing the border in the course of professional activities, need not take place: https://www.strazgraniczna.pl/pl/aktualnosci/8448,Koronawirus-zasady-kwarantanny.html Providing meals […]
