
Author Archives: Lilia Bilyk

Krakow Zoo reopened

From 20 May the zoo is reopened for visitors. Be careful in the zoo area, disinfect your hands with disinfectant and move around in protective masks. Before entering the garden, please read the visiting regulations, which apply during the epidemic: 1. It is mandatory to disinfect hands with disinfectant before entering and to pass through the […]

Free tests for foreign seasonal workers

– I have good news for farmers legally employing foreigners. The necessary tests performed by seasonal workers coming from abroad will be paid for by the state budget – Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, informed today.  The Minister pointed out that there are no longer any obstacles to employing foreigners in […]

New border crossing rules

Minister Mariusz Kamiński has signed an amendment to the Regulation on temporary suspension or restriction of border traffic at specific border crossing points. The amendment to the Regulation extends the catalogue of persons entitled to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland to include drivers performing international transport, travelling through the territory of the […]

The next branches of the Kraków

Library invite you from today. From Thursday, 21 May, readers will be able to use another four branches of the Kraków Library. Invited again: Branch No. 14 at Ugorek 14 street, Branch No. 35 at Chałubiński 47 street, Branch No. 47 on estate Dywizjonu 303/1 and Branch No. 42 at Agatowej 33 street. The libraries […]

Informacja na temat bezpośredniej obsługi klienta w Urzędzie Stanu Cywilnego w Krakowie

Szanowni Państwo, Urząd Stanu Cywilnego w Krakowie wznawia bezpośrednią obsługę klientów w zakresie: przyjmowania oświadczeń m.in. uznanie ojcostwa, powrót do nazwiska po rozwodzie, przygotowania dokumentów do zawarcia związku małżeńskiego. Zapraszamy Państwa wyłącznie po wcześniejszym umówieniu wizyty. Umówienie wizyty jest  możliwe za pośrednictwem telefonu lub e-maila: [email protected] (rezerwacja wizyty nie dotyczy rejestracji zgonów przy ul. Lubelskiej […]

Museum of Krakow: Let’s talk about the time of the pandemic together

The Museum of Krakow invites Krakow residents to talk about the time of the pandemic. The Muslims ask for any souvenirs and stories that document the present time. If you are painting, drawing, sculpting or making music and would like to share your works, please send them by e-mail to: [email protected]. All that is material […]

Street lighting will be switched off later

From Monday, 18 May, the street lighting will be switched off at 1.00. The lanterns will not be turned on again in the morning. Let us recall that until now, due to less traffic, the streets in the city have not been lit between midnight and 4 am. The average cost of city lighting in […]

What about schools for the holidays? The government is careful to lift restrictions

The changes from 18 May will be the first to reopen stationary establishments and institutions with an accommodation base, establishments providing care and educational activities and establishments providing extracurricular activities developing students’ interests.It will also return to the possibility of conducting specialist classes with children who have the relevant opinion or ruling – these include […]

Contingency plan – how to seek help when we experience domestic violence during an epidemic

The Ombudsman is concerned about reports of a surge in domestic violence during the coronavirus epidemic. He sent an open letter to people experiencing it and people around them. The Ombudsman is receiving many alarming signals about the consequences of isolation and quarantine for the safety of people at risk of domestic violence. The experiences […]
