
From now on you can check your e-PIT. Here is how it works

From Friday, 15 February, taxpayers can check and improve their completed PIT on the internet. However, this comfort applies only to taxpayers filling in PIT-37 and PIT-38 forms. We suggest where we can find e-PIT and what to do with it.

From 1 January 2019, the obligation to fulfil the settlements for 2018 is assumed by the National Tax Administration. She will take care of filling in tax returns for personal income tax. As a result, employees no longer have to deal with filling in PITs.

On 15th February the Ministry of Finance made their pre-filled tax returns available to Poles. In the case of PIT-37 and PIT-38 testimonies, nothing can be done – then, with the expiry of the deadline for annual testimonies, the testimony prepared by the KAS will be automatically accepted.

E-PIT in 2019. How does it work?

The completed PIT can be viewed on the Tax Portal from 15 February to 30 April. In order to access your 2018 tax return, you do not need to submit any application or bring documents to the tax office – the tax return will be issued automatically and free of charge.

On the podatki. gov. pl portal you will find information from your employer and data from last year’s testimonies, such as our bank account number, children’s allowance or data from public benefit organizations (OPP).

Your e-PIT 2019

What is important, your e-PIT tax return is filled out individually for the taxpayer. The method of settlement can be changed to:

– joint with the spouse,
– as a single parent.

To do this, simply log in to the service and select the appropriate option.

E-PIT and one per cent tax

Your e-PIT service automatically indicates a public benefit organisation (OPP) which received one percent of our tax last year. It also indicates the detailed objective and automatically marks the consent to the transmission of one percent information to the selected PPI. These data can of course be changed.

It is worth remembering that the “Your e-PIT” service in 2019 is available only to taxpayers settling on PIT-37 and PIT-38 forms (contracts of employment, commission, work or capital income). From 2020, the “Your e-PIT” service will also include PIT-36, PIT-36L and PIT-28.

E-PIT in 2019 for pensioners and disability pensioners

The service also includes PIT-OP, i. e. a statement in which a pensioner who received from the authority paying the annual benefit the tax calculation on the PIT-40A form for 2018 and did not receive any other income in 2018. In this situation, we can indicate the KRS number of a public benefit organisation to which we want to donate one percent of the tax.

The form is available on the Tax Portal. In previous years, in order to transfer one percent of the tax, it was necessary to fill in the entire tax return. Now it is enough to submit a short PIT-OP statement.

Service page www.podatki.gov.pl/pit

PIT on the Internet and a trusted profile

In order to check and complete your tax return on the podatki. gov. pl portal, you need to authenticate yourself. You can do this by entering the relevant data (PESEL or NIP and date of birth, amount of income from the declaration for 2017, amount of income from one of the information from employers – e. g. PIT-11 – for 2018) or by using the Trusted Profile.

There are two ways to log in to the service

There are two ways to create a Trusted Profile:

– Through the Internet via electronic banking – the only condition is to have an account with banks: PKO Bank Polski SA, Santander, Bank Pekao, mBank, ING Bank Śląski, Millennium Bank, T-Mobile Banking Services or Envelo accounts:

Step 1: In the bank’s electronic banking system we fill in a form to create a Trusted Profile;

Step 2: We confirm the operation with a bank authorisation code. We will receive a confirmation of account creation to your e-mail address.

– A Trusted Profile can also be created online by confirming it in the Confirmation Point:

Step 1: Go to the website www.pz.gov.pl;

Step 2: Select the option of creating a Trusted Profile with confirmation in the confirmation point;

Step 3: Visit the confirmation point. We have 14 days to do so from the date of submission of the application. The full list of confirmation points is available here. It is worth remembering to take your identity card with you.

e-PIT completed

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