From 20 April, some safety rules will change. Shopping in the shop will be done by more people at the same time, we will enter the forest and park for recreation, and young people over 13. of a year old will be able to move around unaccompanied by an adult. This process will be divided into stages – in order to maintain maximum security for citizens.
We will all continue to be bound by the same safety rules. They must become the basis of a new normality. These are:
- keeping a 2-metre distance in public space from others, obligatory nose and mouth covering in public places, maintaining work and remote education wherever possible, strict compliance with sanitary rules in places where people gather (disinfection and keeping an appropriate distance), quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected persons.
The first limited safety rules will take effect from Monday 20 April 2020. The dates of entry into force of the remaining stages will be determined on an ongoing basis on the basis of the new disease dynamics.
Business activity – new rules in trade and services
From Monday 20 April more people will do one-time shopping in the shop:
- as many people as the number of all cash desks or payment points multiplied by 4 will enter the shops of less than 100 m2.
- in shops larger than 100 m2 per person there must be at least 15 m2 of area
Social life – open forests, recreation, elderly youth on the streets without adults Movement for recreational purposes is also allowed. What does that mean? From 20 April you will be able to enter the forests and parks, as well as run or ride a bike – if your mental condition depends on it.
Remember, however, that you can only stay outside if you keep a social distance and cover your face!
Attention! Playgrounds are still closed!
Religious worship – 1 person per 15 m2
The number of people who will be able to attend a mass or other religious ritual will depend on the area of the temple. In the church there will have to be at least 15 m2 per person.
People over 13. a year old on the street without adult care Older youth, who are over 13. a year old will be able to move around unaccompanied by an adult. However, she will have to keep an adequate 2-meter distance from others and cover her mouth and nose.
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